Xinsu Global Electronic Co., Limited

Daily Maintenance of Golf Cart Charger

The daily maintenance of the battery and the best golf cart charger include charging, adding battery water, cleaning and measuring the specific proportion of battery water.

(1) Before charging, the general power switch must be disconnected, and the charging place should be ventilated because a large number of inflammable gases will be emitted from the water in the battery during charging.

(2) Keep the water level higher than the battery plate surface height (10-15 mm), if it is lower than the plate surface height, you can add special battery water before charging to drench surface plate. The hydrometer can be used for measuring the electrolyte density distribution. When fully charged, the electrolyte density is 1.28 g/cm2. After finishing discharging, if density is lower than 1.15g/cm2, then the battery has something wrong. It should be given to repair or replaced by a new one.

(3) Regularly check whether there is any loose on cell lines and terminals or any corrosion or rust phenomenon on the terminal. Use the iron brush to clean the surface, after cleaning, wash the surface with water.

(4) If the vehicle is not used for a long time, it should be charged at least once a month, preferably half a month.

Vehicle cleaning

(1) In the process of cleaning the car, attention should be paid to disconnect the general power switch first. It is recommended not to use a high-pressure water gun to spray.

(2) When cleaning the car, do not spray the nozzle directly to the instrument box, charging socket, electric control cover plate and other electronic components.

(3) It is recommended not to use any volatile, corrosive and other strong solvents to scrub the vehicle so as to prevent paint or leg color from falling off the top or back cover.

(4) The vehicles should be stored in the ventilated place after cleaning, and it is recommended not to be put into the warehouse directly.

Normal maintenance of tires

(1) Check the tread pattern and surface damage on the tire surface. If the tread wear on the tire surface becomes smooth, please replace the tire timely.

(2) Check tire pressure: use the barometer regularly check the pressure of the vehicle and the normal vehicle air pressure should be 22 PSL or 34 PSL (id) in the tire. Pressure below will easily wear the tire, beyond cause tire burst (especially in the summer, pay attention to the tire, keep the pressure lower than the normal pressure) of the vehicle. If there is an air leakage, timely repair or replace it.

Electric car charging

(1) Charging method is also important. When charging, it is necessary to check whether the charging power is normal, whether the charging plug is inserted in place. And read the charging machine instructions carefully.

(2) During the use of the charger, it shall not be placed at will to prevent the charger from being wet.

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